Vengeance: A Love Story (2017) tells the story of Teena, a woman who is brutally gang-raped while walking home with her 12-year-old daughter, Bethie, on the Fourth of July. The traumatic event leaves Teena and Bethie shattered, but Bethie is able to identify the rapists. However, when the criminals hire a powerful attorney who attacks Teena's character in court, it becomes clear that justice may not be served.
Dromoor, a local police officer who was present at the scene when the police were called, becomes deeply disturbed by the injustice. Fueled by his love for his own daughter, Dromoor takes matters into his own hands and seeks vengeance for Teena and Bethie. With unwavering determination, he sets out on a path to bring the perpetrators to justice, no matter the cost.
Vengeance: A Love Story is a gripping and intense thriller that explores themes of justice, revenge, and the power of a father's love. Directed by Johnny Martin and starring Nicolas Cage as Dromoor, the film exposes the flaws in the legal system and raises questions about the lengths one person will go to protect their loved ones. As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a suspenseful journey filled with twists and turns that will keep them on the edge of their seats.
Note: The summary does not disclose specific plot details or spoilers to maintain the suspense for potential viewers.
Also Known As:
Vengeance: A Love StoryRelease Date:
15 Sep 2017Writers:
John Mankiewicz, Joyce Carol Oates