Pray, Obey, Kill is a gripping true crime documentary series that delves into the shocking events that unfolded in the peaceful Swedish village of Knutby in 2004. The world was captivated by the murder of a young woman, which exposed a dark underbelly of religious fanaticism and manipulation.
The series takes viewers on a haunting journey, unraveling the intricate web of secrets and deceit that surrounded the murder. It explores the tight-knit community of Knutby, where an obscure church called the Filadelfia Congregation wielded an unprecedented level of control over its members.
Through interviews with former church members, journalists, and investigators, Pray, Obey, Kill sheds light on the exploitative tactics employed by the church's leaders. These manipulative tactics, based on a twisted interpretation of religion, created a toxic environment that ultimately led to the tragic murder.
The series also delves into the trial that followed the murder, exposing the court's struggle to navigate the complex dynamics of faith in the pursuit of justice. As the trial progresses, shocking revelations emerge, further fueling the fascination and speculation surrounding the case.
Pray, Obey, Kill is a thought-provoking and chilling exploration of the dark intersections between religion, power, and control. It sheds light on the haunting consequences of blind belief and fanaticism, leaving viewers captivated and disturbed in equal measure.
Also Known As:
Pray, Obey, KillRelease Date:
12 Apr 2021Writers:
Anton Berg