Noelle, a heartwarming and enchanting holiday film, tells the tale of Santa Claus' daughter who must step up to save Christmas when her brother, next in line to be Santa, shies away from his responsibilities. Set against the picturesque backdrop of the North Pole, this delightful family-friendly film is perfect for the festive season.
As Santa prepares to retire, his son Nick is expected to take over the reins. However, Nick becomes overwhelmed with doubt and decides to go on a getaway, leaving Christmas at risk. Noelle, determined to preserve her family's legacy, embarks on a journey to find her brother and convince him to embrace his destiny. Along the way, she encounters comedic and heartwarming adventures that will leave viewers of all ages filled with holiday cheer.
Noelle showcases captivating performances from Anna Kendrick as Noelle and Bill Hader as Nick, perfectly capturing the sibling dynamic as they navigate their roles in Santa's workshop. The film also features a talented supporting cast, including Shirley MacLaine and Billy Eichner, who add layers of humor and warmth to the story.
Filled with magic and joy, Noelle is a must-watch film that emphasizes the importance of family, believing in oneself, and the true spirit of Christmas. Get ready to be transported to a winter wonderland and discover the power of love and faith in this heartwarming holiday tale.
Also Known As:
NoelleRelease Date:
12 Nov 2019Writers:
Marc LawrenceAwards:
1 win total