Glädjekällan (1993) is a heartwarming and comedic film that follows the journey of an elderly man who is carrying the remains of his late wife in an antique vase for burial at their countryside cottage. Joined by his son, a middle-aged rock singer living a bohemian life in an old bus, and the son's youthful girlfriend, Catti, the trio embarks on a road trip filled with comical mishaps and unexpected adventures.
As they make their way to the cottage, the film delves into the dynamics between the three main characters and explores how their relationships evolve throughout the journey. With its surprise ending, Glädjekällan offers more than just laughs; it provides thought-provoking insights into the transformative power of love and connection.
This Swedish film showcases a delightful blend of humor, heart, and meaningful storytelling that will leave viewers both entertained and touched. With its relatable characters, charming road trip backdrop, and moments of genuine emotion, Glädjekällan is an engaging film that captures the essence of human relationships and the unforeseen joys and challenges they bring.
Don't miss out on this captivating cinematic experience that celebrates the bonds that hold us together. Glädjekällan is a must-watch for anyone seeking a heartwarming and feel-good movie night.
Also Known As:
GlädjekällanRelease Date:
12 Nov 1993Writers:
Richard HobertAwards:
2 wins