Fairfax is an animated series that follows the adventures of four middle school friends as they embark on a journey to achieve fame on L.A.'s iconic Fairfax Avenue. Set in the bustling heart of Los Angeles, this vibrant show captures the essence of the city's streetwear and hip-hop culture.
The series showcases the lives of Leo, Malcolm, Hailey, and Harper, who are determined to make a name for themselves in the fashion and music industries. With dreams of becoming fashion designers, rappers, influencers, and entrepreneurs, the friends navigate the challenges and excitement of their quest for stardom.
As they explore the world of streetwear, Fairfax Avenue becomes their playground and source of inspiration. The friends encounter a diverse array of characters, from industry insiders to fellow aspiring artists, all while balancing school, friendships, and the trials of adolescence. Each episode presents a new adventure, highlighting the dynamic creativity and talent of these young protagonists.
Fairfax is a visually stunning series that combines animation with real-life footage, immersing viewers in the vibrant atmosphere of L.A. The show's soundtrack, featuring original music and popular tracks, adds an energetic and catchy element to the storyline.
Through its relatable characters and captivating narrative, Fairfax provides an exciting and entertaining glimpse into the world of street culture and the pursuit of dreams. This series is a must-watch for anyone seeking an authentic and inspiring portrayal of young talent in the modern age.
Also Known As:
FairfaxRelease Date:
29 Oct 2021Writers:
Aaron Buchsbaum, Alex BlaggAwards:
1 nomination