Doctor Who (2023-) follows the Time Lord known as the Doctor as he travels through space and time with companions, encountering thrilling adventures and confronting formidable foes. The series showcases the Doctor's incredible intellect, resourcefulness, and courage as he navigates various alien worlds and historical periods, always striving to uphold justice and protect all of time and space. Along the way, the Doctor forms deep bonds with his companions, each bringing unique perspectives and strengths to the team. As they journey together, they uncover mysteries, uncover conspiracies, and ultimately strive to preserve the balance of the universe. With its exciting blend of science fiction, action, and drama, Doctor Who (2023-) offers an electrifying and thought-provoking viewing experience for fans of all ages. Join the Doctor on his epic adventures through the cosmos and beyond, as he battles the forces of darkness and champions the cause of good in every corner of the universe.
Also Known As:
Doctor WhoRelease Date:
25 Dec 2023Awards:
Nominated for 2 BAFTA 2 wins & 19 nominations total