In the movie Human Capital, a diverse group of individuals from different social classes and backgrounds are interconnected through their pursuit of wealth and success. Dino Ossola, a small-time real estate agent, yearns for a more prosperous life, while his daughter Serena dates a privileged and self-absorbed young man. Carla Bruneschi, an actress, has abandoned her career to marry into a wealthy family, represented by her powerful husband Massimiliano Giovanni Bernaschi.
The story takes a twist when Massimiliano's troubled son, Massimiliano Bernaschi, becomes entangled with Serena. As tensions rise and relationships become strained, events unfold with unintended consequences. The characters' ambitions and desires clash, leading to unexpected outcomes that will irrevocably change their lives.
Amidst this web of interconnections, other characters emerge, including Roberta Ossola, Dino's second wife and a psychologist, and Donato Russomano, a drama teacher infatuated with Carla. A marginalized teenager named Luca Ambrosini also plays a significant role in the unfolding events, as does an anonymous cyclist.
As the title Human Capital suggests, the film explores the extent to which individuals are willing to sacrifice their values and relationships in their pursuit of financial gain. It delves into the consequences of placing wealth and success above all else, revealing the complex and often destructive nature of human ambition.
Also Known As:
Human CapitalRelease Date:
09 Jan 2014Writers:
Stephen Amidon, Paolo Virzì, Francesco BruniAwards:
47 wins & 30 nominations total